Pattison Lake Algae Tracking Data

The following table is intended to capture and track data on algae and cyanobacteria (often called blue-green algae) in both the North and South basins by specific dates and locations.   The first column comes from an EPA website that tracks cyanobacteria from a satellite for lakes across the US.  We're hoping to find correlation between this remote sensing data and in-situ data that we gather.  The other columns are associated with reports and data, including tests done by the county and toxin levels.  

We are asking the Pattision Lake community to email the PLMD Steering Committee when you see a significant presence of algae and, in particular, the presence of a signifiant scum and/or blue-green bloom.     

  When you see an issue:

  • Send us a picture

  • Tell us the location (your dock, your address, or general area)

  • Provide the date

  • Provide your email or phone number so we can contact you if we need to

Our plan is to track the algae behavior across the lake and take samples when it looks bad and coordinate taking samples with the County and reporting their results.  We're particularly interested in identifying specific locations where blooms occur and tracking them across the basins.  We're also interested in understanding how localized or general the algae problems are.  When we start taking measurements of the chemistry of the lake (specifically phosphorus), we'll report and track that info as well.  For reference, the two toxins being tracked in our lake are: anatoxin, with acceptable limit for recreation at 1 ug/L, and microcystin, with acceptable limit for recreation at 8 ug/L).  


*Click on any of the images below to expand into lightbox view.

32124N1: Lowe Dock

32424N1: Tudor Dock