Photos by Paula Lowe.

2024 PLMD Charter

PLMD Charter PDF

Resolutions & Ordinances

16168.Resolution.6.21.22 (Intent to consider PLMD #23)
16187.Resolution.8.16.22 (Call for PLMD vote)
16219.Ordinance.11.22.22 (PLMD created as of Jan. 1, 2023)
16241.PLMDFund.12.16.2022 (PLMD fund created #1770)
16273.Resolution.5.26.2023 (Shift Admin. to Public Health)
16355.ResolutiontoEH.12.15.2023 (Funds shifted to Public Health)
The final PLMD Thurston County vote tally
PLMD 23 Boundary Map
PLMD Petition

Department of Ecology

Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the State of Washington Aquatic Plant and Algae Management

Photos by Dianna Evans.